Workplace Electrical Hazards and Safety Precautions

Gorman technicians connected to safety harnesses on a job site

Workplaces have hundreds of appliances and machines installed to cater to the electrical needs of businesses and employees.

This results in higher chances of one facing electrical emergencies at work. Studies reveal that electrical dangers are more often reported from offices/businesses than homes or other places.

Common Electricity Hazards at Your Workplace

  • In an environment that is potentially inflammable and volatile, electricity is often the primary source of detonation. This can result in deadly explosions and/or fire.
  • Electric dangers arising from faulty connections and wires are more common and dangerous than you think. This is the reason workplace management should be timely carrying out electric circuit examinations and troubleshooting.
  • When your live body parts come in contact with electricity conductors, you get electric current or shocks. If severe, it can (and mostly does) result in burns.
  • Outlets installed close to sources of water in washrooms and other areas where there is a lot of use of water such as pantry/kitchen often result in electrical emergencies.
  • You probably don’t think of light bulbs as a potential hazard, but in areas where inflammable products are kept such as kitchens and storerooms, light bulbs can be a cause of fire outbreaks. General inflammable items include plastic stuff, aerosol, heating appliances, drapes, upholstery, etc.
  • Poorly installed or maintained electrical appliances or equipment may result in electric shocks and circuit failures.
  • Unsafe work practices and rules lead to massive electrical accidents.
  • Electrical hazards arising due to outdated wires and appliances with no life left or moldy/rusted switches etc leave you prone to fire explosions and other electrical risks.

Safety Precautions and Solutions to Prevent Electrical Emergencies and Associated Losses

Different government agencies and authorities have worked on developing a code of conduct for workplaces to abide by in order to avoid emergencies arising due to electric failures.

Here are a few important rules to follow to save you and your work family from potential electric hazards or losses that may come after an unexpected electric failure.

  • Being a good employer, you should hire professionals like Gorman Lightning Protection and Electric to conduct a timely and thorough examination of the complete electric system of the workplace.
  • These experts will get an idea of any forthcoming electrical problem and troubleshoot it beforehand. They will also repair and replace any switches, wires, or appliances that may be a potential source of harm.
  • Electrical service companies like Gorman electric should be reached out to get awareness. They will guide you on how to prevent electrical emergencies, and also provide you with measures to take in case of an electrical emergency.
  • Try to use low-voltage tools and appliances.
  • Make sure your power circuits are protected by an appropriate breaker. Also, get the wires and switches covered so that you and others are not exposed to them directly.
  • Get your workplace appliances serviced and/or replaced timely.
  • Introduce safe work practices. Designate a qualified team to handle (turn on and off, check, and maintain) your electrical system and other electrical appliances/ equipment.
  • Keep electrical wires and appliances away from (or covered) water sources and inflammable items.

Contact Gorman now to get your business checked and treated for any forthcoming electrical emergencies and losses.

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