Thunderstorm Safety
NO JOB IS Too Big or Too Small
you can protect yourselves during the next thunderstorm
How long can a thunder storm last?It depends on the natural metrological forces in place at the time of the storm. They can last minutes to hours.
What is the difference between thunder and Lightning?You can see lightning and it could kill you, thunder is a loud noise caused by the lightning AFTER it has completed its cycle.
What do lightning and thunder do in a storm?Lightning is an electromagnetic wave that travels through the clouds. When these waves meet one another they connect and create a lightning bolt of some shape completing its cycle. Thunder is a sonic ...
Where do I go during a thunder storm?Go in some type of building, car or parking garage NEVER TAKE SHELTER in a sunshade, baseball dugout, tree or any other open type of shelter. If you can’t find one crouch as low as you can on the grou ...
What not to do in a thunder storm?Never stand under a tree for shelter! If you are at home, switch off all appliances. Turning off appliances won’t do a thing. If the appliance is plugged in it is at risk, consider having a ...
How high is a thunder storm?Higher the thunderstorm the stronger it is. Heights can range from 20,000 ft to 70,000 ft above sea level. High mountain regions place you closer to the stronger thunderstorms.
Why does the house shake when there is a thunder storm?Your house will shake depending the closeness of the lightning. Thunder is a sonic boom that comes from the rapid heating of the air around a lightning strike. Sonic booms cause massive shaking to ...
What will be the first, thunder or storm?Thunder is the sound reaction caused by lightning strikes inside or coming out of cloud banks so you don’t necessarily have a big storm first, but you must have at least storm clouds nearby. A bolt of ...
How can you protect yourself from thunder storms?Hold a metal pole and jump in a lake… just kidding. you’ll be safe as long as you stay inside.

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